Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Rochester’

Time to Get a New Water Heater? Here Are Ways to Tell

Monday, December 13th, 2021

You depend on your home’s water almost every day. Can you imagine trying to get through a regular morning without a hot shower? Or managing basic cooking and cleaning? 

It would be nice if you could rely on your water heater to work for you whenever you need it. But any powerful appliance like this will wear down with age, no matter how well you have it maintained and regularly serviced. With all the work water heaters perform, it’s amazing they last for as long as they often do. 

We don’t want you to get trapped suddenly without the hot water you need. If you’ve got a dying older water heater, it’s best to know the signs of trouble so you can call us to schedule a timely replacement before the system permanently fails.

Below we’ll go over some of the ways to know you may have to have a new water heater installed.

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Watch for These Signs of Hidden Leaks

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Hidden pipe leaks in homes can account for a staggering loss of water each year. These leaks can also cause damage to a home. Of course, because these are hidden leaks, they aren’t easy for homeowners to notice right away, which is why they can go on for months or even years.

We want you to have all of your hidden plumbing leaks fixed, and it starts with noticing the warning signs of these leaks. Below, we’re going to look at the most common signs you’ve got a “leaky house” and need our professionals to fix the leaks.

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Warning Signs Your Water Heater Needs Professional Repairs

Monday, November 29th, 2021

Here’s something you don’t want to happen to you on a cold winter morning: getting into the shower and discovering no hot water is coming out of the showerhead. A failed water heater is a major problem at any time of the year, but it’s especially painful when it strikes in the winter.

We have some good news for you, however. Water heaters rarely fail abruptly without giving any warning signs. If you know what to watch for, you can detect malfunctions and call us for timely water heater repair in Rochester, NY. Quick action will prevent you from getting trapped without any hot water. 

We have long experience handling plumbing and heating systems, so we can provide you with a helpful list of the most common warning signs of a water heater heading for trouble:

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Garbage Disposal Warnings for Thanksgiving

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

This week is Thanksgiving, and it’s a perfect time for us to address something important about your home’s plumbing—it’s at a high risk of problems this week! In fact, the busiest day of the year for a plumber in Rochester, NY is the day after Thanksgiving. While everyone else heads out to shop for Black Friday, professional plumbers are heading to people’s homes to unclog their drains and repair their kitchen plumbing. If you’re playing host to the family this Thanksgiving, you’ll already have some idea how much strain you’ll place on your kitchen plumbing.

We can give you some pre-repair help in this post about the part of your kitchen plumbing that is at the highest risk during Thanksgiving: the garbage disposal. If you know what to keep out of the disposal during your feasting festivities, you’ll have a much higher chance of making it through the celebrations without having to call us for repairs.

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Heating Maintenance Is What You Need This Fall

Monday, November 15th, 2021

We don’t need to tell you that winters in Rochester can be tough. The heating system in your home is vital for your family making it through the season in cozy comfort. And regular maintenance is vital for your heating system making it through the season without surprise breakdowns, unexpected repair costs, and energy-wasting performance.

Professional maintenance isn’t a task you can have done “every few years.” With the amount of work your heating system does each winter, it needs to have experts inspect, clean, and tune it up every year. Fall is the best time to have it done: the heater will be ready just in time for the cold and you can take advantage of a slower time for HVAC professionals. 

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