Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Rochester’

Common Ductless System Myths

Monday, September 4th, 2023

More homes today are looking for ductless AC service in Rochester, NY, and we’re busy helping them out. Although ductless mini split heat pumps aren’t necessarily new technology—they’ve been used for several decades in Japan and Europe—they’re new to many local homeowners. In the US, people tend to think of central heating and cooling as using ducts, and making the adjustment to ductless systems requires rethinking HVAC in general. This makes it easy for misunderstandings to start, and quite a few myths about ductless systems have circulated.

Today we’re going to debunk the most common ductless system myths we encounter. We hope this helps you to better understand the potential of using ductless HVAC systems.

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The Benefits of Repairing Your Sewer With Trenchless Technology

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Trenchless technology has existed since the 1930s, when it was originally used as a lateral boring technique for mining. In the 1970s, it emerged in civil engineering as a way to put in underground pipes and electrical conduits without ripping up streets, walkways, asphalt lots, landscaping, etc. 

Now, trenchless technology is available for residential work—and one of the best ways to put trenchless technology to use for your home is to take care of repairs to your sewer line, including full replacement.

You can’t do this work on your own: you’ll need to call the experts to handle it. We offer trenchless technology in Rochester, NY for a range of plumbing needs, such as sewer line repairs. If you’re interested in knowing why trenchless technology is superior to the older method of excavation to reach the buried sewer line, we have a list of trenchless sewer line repair benefits:

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What Are Pinhole Leaks?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Many plumbing leaks in your home can go unnoticed for weeks or even months. The most insidious of these hidden leaks are pinhole leaks. These tiny leaks can seem to spring up out of nowhere—and even though they’re small by definition, they can cause a slow accumulation of water that will do enormous damage to building materials. 

Where do these pinhole leaks come from, and what can you do to find them and prevent them in the future?

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How Cool Can My AC Make My Home?

Monday, August 7th, 2023

When the summer heat rises, do you rush to your thermostat and crank it down low? This seems like the natural reaction, but we don’t recommend pushing the thermostat setting down too far: it leads to unnecessary energy waste and it pushes the limits of your AC, possibly leading it to freeze. Our recommended energy-saving temperature setting is 78°F during the day when people are home and never setting it lower than 68°F.

This does bring up a good question: what are the cooling limitations of an AC? How cool can you make your home with your air conditioning system? We’ll get into your AC’s limits and how you can stay within them to avoid air conditioning repair in Rochester, NY.

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Gas vs. Electric Water Heaters

Monday, July 10th, 2023

You’re on the market for a new water heater installation in Rochester, NY. This may not seem like an exciting journey, but water heaters are absolute necessities for modern homes. You want to make the best possible choice about which water heater you get.

There are a range of types of water heaters available, both tank and tankless. One of the key questions about water heater models is the source of energy they use. Although you can find oil and propane-powered water heaters, in most cases you’ll face a choice between a natural gas water heater or an electric water heater.

Let’s take a closer look at these two options and balance their pros and cons…

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Do You Need to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

How often do you think about the electrical panel in your home? If you’re like most people, you only pay attention to it when a circuit breaker trips and you need to go reset it. 

However, it pays to think more about the panel: it’s not only an essential part of your home’s electrical system, it won’t last forever. It’s important to know when you need to have the panel replaced. Our licensed electricians can help you with this job, as well handle all types of electrical replacements and electrical repairs in Rochester, NY.

Below we’ll look over several situations where we recommend upgrading your panel.

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5 Signs You Need Duct Cleaning

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Duct cleaning is an important maintenance step for your HVAC system and your home in general. However, it doesn’t need to be done with the same regularity as air conditioning and heating maintenance, which are annual jobs. You can develop a specific schedule for duct cleaning, or you may choose to have it done whenever it’s necessary.

But how can you tell when it’s necessary, and what is a good estimate for how often you’ll likely need it? We’ll look at this more below. You can always call us to schedule an appointment for duct cleaning in Rochester, NY or to ask any questions you may have about the process.

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The 50% Rule on Air Conditioner Replacement

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Is it time for an AC replacement in Rochester, NY? Air conditioning systems won’t last forever, but you may find yourself facing a dilemma about whether to have your aging air conditioner repaired or go ahead with the replacement. A repair is obviously a less expensive option in the moment, but it may still be too expensive to justify for an older air conditioner that will probably need a replacement within several years.

To help you get a broad sense of when a replacement is the better choice, we’re going to examine the “50% Rule” that often comes in handy in “repair or replace?” situations.

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All You Need to Know the Rebate Programs Happening Here in New York

Monday, May 8th, 2023

We have some exciting news about making upgrades to your home’s heating system as well as several other appliances. If you have older equipment, like a gas furnace or boiler, it’s probably draining extra energy each time it runs.

This not only costs you more on your utility bills, it’s harmful to the environment. You also risk having the equipment fail on you when you need it the most.

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Knocking and Banging From the Pipes: What’s Up?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

One of the leading causes of people believing that their house is haunted is when strange knocking, clanging, and banging sounds start to emanate from the walls. We don’t want to puncture the mystery here, but there is a good explanation for these sounds. They’re coming from the pipes.

This kind of noise from the plumbing is a common enough issue, but it’s still an issue. We’ll take a look at why this might be happening in your home.

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