Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Leak Detection’

What Are Pinhole Leaks?

Monday, August 14th, 2023

Many plumbing leaks in your home can go unnoticed for weeks or even months. The most insidious of these hidden leaks are pinhole leaks. These tiny leaks can seem to spring up out of nowhere—and even though they’re small by definition, they can cause a slow accumulation of water that will do enormous damage to building materials. 

Where do these pinhole leaks come from, and what can you do to find them and prevent them in the future?

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Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Nobody wants to receive a shock when they look at their monthly water bills. Most homes get in a rhythm with their water use that only fluctuates slightly from month to month, so an abrupt rise in bills will stand out. 

Why is this happening? Why is your house suddenly sucking up water like the desert sands? There may be some bad habits your household has taken on—we’ll get to those. But first, we want to look at a common source of massive water bills that many homes encounter: hidden water leaks from neglected plumbing. 

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Watch for These Signs of Hidden Leaks

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Hidden pipe leaks in homes can account for a staggering loss of water each year. These leaks can also cause damage to a home. Of course, because these are hidden leaks, they aren’t easy for homeowners to notice right away, which is why they can go on for months or even years.

We want you to have all of your hidden plumbing leaks fixed, and it starts with noticing the warning signs of these leaks. Below, we’re going to look at the most common signs you’ve got a “leaky house” and need our professionals to fix the leaks.

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