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Serving the Greater Rochester Area


Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Nobody wants to receive a shock when they look at their monthly water bills. Most homes get in a rhythm with their water use that only fluctuates slightly from month to month, so an abrupt rise in bills will stand out. 

Why is this happening? Why is your house suddenly sucking up water like the desert sands? There may be some bad habits your household has taken on—we’ll get to those. But first, we want to look at a common source of massive water bills that many homes encounter: hidden water leaks from neglected plumbing. 

Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

People often imagine that the plumbing in their homes is durable, almost indestructible. This is because the majority of plumbing systems are hidden from sight. It’s easy to simply not think about your home’s plumbing … until something goes wrong. But plumbing requires regular maintenance the same way a home’s heating and air conditioning systems do. Maintenance not only does important tasks to ensure the plumbing works at its best, but it also makes checks for aging pipes and the damage that can lead to water waste, such as the development of corrosion. Regular maintenance is one of the best ways to avoid the troubles that come from hidden leaks. 

Finding great plumbing maintenance in Rochester, NY is easy: our maintenance plans will take care of your plumbing system each year. Our special Triple-O Maintenance Club provides maintenance for your plumbing, heater, and AC, all in one.

How Leaks Add Up Over Time

Hidden leaks are often small, such as pinhole leaks caused by a type of corrosion that can affect copper pipes. Small leaks are still major problems and they will add up over time to the large bills you’re seeing each month. These leaks can waste 90 gallons or more per day. When you add that up for the month, you’ll end up paying for an additional 2,700 gallons of water that’s going to waste! 

What can you do about it? If you’re concerned that you have hidden leaks causing your bills to spike, call our plumbers to do leak detection for your house. This is the quickest way to identify the problem and then give us a map to fix it.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Reduce Water Waste

We want to encourage all our customers to observe good habits with water use in their house. “Lifestyle changes” sound drastic, but these regular habits aren’t difficult to do and they can make a big difference in your water use:

  • Don’t wash dishes by hand, use the dishwasher—but only run the dishwasher when it’s full.
  • Shorten shower times to 5 minutes. Use a timer to help you.
  • Don’t run the water in the sink while you’re brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Only use the toilet to flush down human waste and toilet paper—don’t use it as a garbage can.
  • Put aerators in the faucet heads.

Our plumbing team is here to help you with whatever plumbing work you need. We’re your one-stop shop for plumbing, air conditioning, heating, and electrical.

Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing offers service so good, you’ll find a reason to call us! Reach out for any plumbing help you need.

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