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Serving the Greater Rochester Area


Heating Maintenance Is What You Need This Fall


We don’t need to tell you that winters in Rochester can be tough. The heating system in your home is vital for your family making it through the season in cozy comfort. And regular maintenance is vital for your heating system making it through the season without surprise breakdowns, unexpected repair costs, and energy-wasting performance.

Professional maintenance isn’t a task you can have done “every few years.” With the amount of work your heating system does each winter, it needs to have experts inspect, clean, and tune it up every year. Fall is the best time to have it done: the heater will be ready just in time for the cold and you can take advantage of a slower time for HVAC professionals. 

The Benefits of Maintenance

Maintenance is one of the most important services we offer. We know how much homes benefit from having a heating system kept in peak condition with yearly service. Below are only the biggest benefits of keeping up with professional maintenance each fall:

  • Safety: The majority of residences in Rochester use gas-powered heating systems, such as gas furnaces or boilers, for heat. Gas-burning heaters need yearly inspections to ensure they are operating safely. Maintenance can catch potential problems early, and the cleanings and adjustments will help prevent safety concerns later.
  • Better energy efficiency: A heater that’s gotten a professional tune-up won’t suffer from the deteriorating that leads to it costing more to run with each year. Your heating system will keep 95% of its original efficiency through most of its life when it’s maintained. 
  • Reduced repair needs: Did you know that the majority of repairs a heater may need during its service life are due to neglect? Maintenance wipes away more than 50% of the repairs you would otherwise have to schedule for the heater, which saves you both money and inconvenience.
  • System longevity: You can expect the longest possible service life from your heater when it has regular fall maintenance. Without maintenance, you may have to replace it years earlier. 
  • Keep the warranty valid: Missed maintenance may void the warranty for your heater. You want this important consumer protection in place.
  • Peace of mind: The best benefit of all is that you’ll be able to relax through the winter knowing there is minimal chance you’ll encounter trouble with your heating system. You can put away your worries about the heater abruptly breaking down and trapping your family in the cold. 

Schedule Maintenance With Triple-O

Triple-O is the local contractor to call to have maintenance for your heating system. We work with furnaces, boilers, ductless systems, and heat pumps. We offer multiple maintenance plans to fit your specific needs, including the Triple-O Plan that takes care of your heating, air conditioning, and plumbing in one package. Call us today to find out more and to sign up for your fall heating maintenance in Rochester, NY. We are your one-stop-shop for home services in the Greater Rochester area. 

Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing. Service so good, you’ll find a reason to call us!

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