Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

What Kind of Maintenance Does an Air Purifier Need?

Monday, February 17th, 2025

If you have a whole-house air purifier you may think it doesn’t need any care. While that it mostly true, there are some steps you can take to maintain the system and ensure it is operating at its best all year long in between annual professional service appointments. 

Keep reading to learn about some small steps you can take to make a big impact on how well your air purifier is able to operate. Then give our team to get on the calendar for HVAC maintenance, which includes changing out the filter or UV light on your whole-house air purifier. 

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Ways to Tell Your Whole-House Air Purifier Needs Repair

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Whole-house air purifiers are invaluable in maintaining clean and healthy indoor air quality. However, like any appliance, they may require repair or maintenance over time. Learn about the various signs that indicate your Irondequoit, NY, air purifier needs repair and offer tips on effectively addressing these issues.

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5 Signs You Need Duct Cleaning

Monday, June 12th, 2023

Duct cleaning is an important maintenance step for your HVAC system and your home in general. However, it doesn’t need to be done with the same regularity as air conditioning and heating maintenance, which are annual jobs. You can develop a specific schedule for duct cleaning, or you may choose to have it done whenever it’s necessary.

But how can you tell when it’s necessary, and what is a good estimate for how often you’ll likely need it? We’ll look at this more below. You can always call us to schedule an appointment for duct cleaning in Rochester, NY or to ask any questions you may have about the process.

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What Are the Benefits of an Air Purifier?

Monday, March 28th, 2022

Homeowners are more concerned about their indoor air quality than ever before. Far too many modern buildings have indoor air quality far worse than the air quality outside—sometimes three to five times worse. One of the reasons for this is the tight construction of modern buildings. This improves energy efficiency, but it reduces the amount of fresh air that moves through a building to sweep away indoor contaminants.

Because you probably spend more time in your house than ever before, improving your indoor air quality is important for your health and your family’s. You have several options to boost indoor air quality, such as having an air purifier in Brockport, NY professionally installed.

What are the benefits of using an air purifier?

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Should I Install an Air Purifier or Filter in My Home?

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Homeowners today are more concerned about the quality of the air inside their homes than ever before. After almost a year and a half of spending more time inside their homes than usual, people start to worry about what they’re breathing, as well as how they can combat the transmission of illnesses among a household.

The plain facts about indoor air quality for homes are hard to ignore: the EPA estimates that the air inside homes and buildings can be four to five times worse than the air outdoors. Without enough fresh air circulation, contaminants indoors can rapidly build up. This makes installing an air filter or air purifier for your home a good idea—you can almost certainly improve the air quality this way. 

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