Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Check Your AC Before the Summer Heats Up

Monday, April 1st, 2024

As the days grow longer and the temperatures begin to rise, it is a sure sign that summer is just around the corner. And with summer comes the need for reliable air conditioning to keep your home cool and comfortable. However, before you crank up the AC for the season, it is important to ensure that your system is in good working order. This article will provide area homeowners with tips to help you check your AC before the summer heats up in Rochester, NY.

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Understanding AC Efficiency Ratings

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Once upon a time, people who purchased central air conditioning systems for their homes didn’t think much about efficiency. They expected to pay a lot for cooling—and they did. Older systems were inefficient and people didn’t expect much better.

That’s changed thanks to improved technology and people in general having a greater awareness of the importance of energy efficiency, not only as a way to lower utility costs but also as a way to benefit the environment.

If you’re currently looking to purchase a new central cooling system for your home, energy efficiency will likely be on your mind. We’re experts on AC efficiency in Rochester, NY, and in this post we’ll help you better understand how energy efficiency is measured and what to look for so you can make an informed decision about your next AC.

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Common Ductless System Myths

Monday, September 4th, 2023

More homes today are looking for ductless AC service in Rochester, NY, and we’re busy helping them out. Although ductless mini split heat pumps aren’t necessarily new technology—they’ve been used for several decades in Japan and Europe—they’re new to many local homeowners. In the US, people tend to think of central heating and cooling as using ducts, and making the adjustment to ductless systems requires rethinking HVAC in general. This makes it easy for misunderstandings to start, and quite a few myths about ductless systems have circulated.

Today we’re going to debunk the most common ductless system myths we encounter. We hope this helps you to better understand the potential of using ductless HVAC systems.

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How Cool Can My AC Make My Home?

Monday, August 7th, 2023

When the summer heat rises, do you rush to your thermostat and crank it down low? This seems like the natural reaction, but we don’t recommend pushing the thermostat setting down too far: it leads to unnecessary energy waste and it pushes the limits of your AC, possibly leading it to freeze. Our recommended energy-saving temperature setting is 78°F during the day when people are home and never setting it lower than 68°F.

This does bring up a good question: what are the cooling limitations of an AC? How cool can you make your home with your air conditioning system? We’ll get into your AC’s limits and how you can stay within them to avoid air conditioning repair in Rochester, NY.

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Air Conditioning Considerations For Older Homes

Monday, July 17th, 2023

We’re going to have an intensely hot summer this year—and certainly next year as well. Homeowners need to rely heavily on their central air conditioning systems in order to get through the heat in both comfort and safety. 

Older homes face different challenges when it comes to air conditioning systems. Today we’re going to examine some of the common issues that vintage homes have to deal with, along with tips for AC upgrades and AC repair in Bergen, NY that will help you ensure that your older home stays both cool and energy efficient when the outside temperature rises into the red.

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One of the Most Common AC Troubles: Short Cycling

Monday, June 19th, 2023

As summer truly gets underway and you start to frequently use your air conditioning system for the heat, it’s a good time to address some of the more frequent problems that ACs can run into. In this post, we’re going to address one of the more common: short-cycling. Sometimes this is a minor issue you can correct with troubleshooting. But often it means you need to call on our experts for air conditioning repair in Rochester, NY from our dedicated and highly trained HVAC professionals. 

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The 50% Rule on Air Conditioner Replacement

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Is it time for an AC replacement in Rochester, NY? Air conditioning systems won’t last forever, but you may find yourself facing a dilemma about whether to have your aging air conditioner repaired or go ahead with the replacement. A repair is obviously a less expensive option in the moment, but it may still be too expensive to justify for an older air conditioner that will probably need a replacement within several years.

To help you get a broad sense of when a replacement is the better choice, we’re going to examine the “50% Rule” that often comes in handy in “repair or replace?” situations.

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Why You’re Seeing Water Leaking From Your AC

Monday, May 15th, 2023

If you’ve noticed water pooling around the air conditioning unit, you’re correct to assume that it’s not a good sign. You should never see water dripping out of the HVAC cabinet inside of your house, and not just because it can cause water damage and lead to the growth of mold and mildew. That water shows something is wrong with how the air conditioner’s condensate drainage system is working. If you don’t have proper air conditioning repair in Brockport, NY, you may soon have a non-working air conditioner!

Below we’ll look at several of the reasons for water leaking from an air conditioning system.

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Does an AC Also Control Humidity in a House?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

We often hear this question or similar ones from customers. Creating balanced humidity indoors is an important part of comfort, especially during the summer when muggy days make it difficult to stay cool.

The answer to the question is a bit tricky. Air conditioners do affect humidity, and in some situations may end up making a house too dry.

However, air conditioners are not dehumidifiers designed to provide actual humidity control. Homeowners who want to create air that’s neither too humid nor too dry will need more than just an air conditioner.

This answer requires further explanation, and you’ll learn something interesting about your AC in the process, so follow us below…

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Sounds That May Mean an Impending HVAC Catastrophe

Monday, March 27th, 2023

The title of this post may sound a touch extreme, but if you find yourself in the middle of a heat wave with a malfunctioning air conditioning system, the word “catastrophe” will probably leap to your mind quickly. 

Fortunately, if you do have a busted AC or heater, you’re already in good hands because you’ve arrived here. 

But we’d also like to help you predict when you’ve got an HVAC system cruising for disaster. It’s much better to call us before you’ve got a heating or cooling emergency on your hands, after all!

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